Torbay Fishing error page

Great examples of custom 404 error pages

No matter how careful we are, visitors to a website can find themselves staring at a 404 error page.  It is important to make sure the error experience is just as good as the website.

The most common way people find themselves at a 404 page is because of broken links on a page. It is important that you validate your links and check your analytics tools to see if you can spot the culprit.

Here are some examples of some really good error pages… Continue reading

10 reasons people abandon your ecommerce website

Do you own an eCommerce website? Do you have a lot of hits but few sales?

How your shopping cart displays the content and charges can really impacts sales. Do you have to register to buy? This is another ecommerce killer.

The infographic below from CWCS gives you 10 reasons why people abandon an eCommerce site without buying anything from you. It also includes 5 factors that can lead to customers spending more… Continue reading