Rough sea at Teignmouth seafront this morning at sunrise

After waking up at 5am this morning for no reason at all, I looked out the window and saw there were stars in the sky. I thought that seeing as there were no clouds I would head over to Teignmouth. I knew the high tide was coinciding with sunrise, plus the stormy winds would likely mean rough waves.

Lots of dog walkers and runners this morning. Thankfully though, they all managed to dodge the crashing waves and not a single person got wet… including me, yay! 🙂

For waves, I always try to keep my exposure time around half a second. I love the look at that shutter speed, plus it makes photos just slightly different to the normal snap-shot photos you’d see on a phone. I will play with shutter speed and ISO to keep it at half a second for as long as possible.

My settings started off at F4, 0.5 Sec, ISO 600 and, as the sun rose, ended at F16, 0.5sec, ISO 100. For the palm tree photo, it was F11, 1/125 ISO 100.

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Torbay is such a lovely place to live

It’s been high tide at sunrise all week which makes it difficult to find a location with any foreground interest.

This morning I headed over to Anstey’s Cove in Torquay. This is a nice location because it has some rocks, the sun can glow nicely on the rocks and there are a few compositions. The sun remained firmly behind a thin band of cloud so no golden sun on the rocks this morning, but it sure did look and feel peaceful.

Have a great weekend everyone!

An epic sunrise in Paignton this morning…

The colours were exploding, the waves were crashing and the coffee was smashing 😀☕️😀

As soon as I woke up I could see that the colours were likely to explode in the sky. I grabbed a quick flask of coffee and headed down to Paignton Pier as quickly as possible. On arrival I was greeted with high waves, surfers and a few other photographers.

I’ve never had so many keeper shots in one session but out of them all, this one really stood out the most.

This photo and others, are available to buy at

New photo for sale from Dartmoor

Dartmoor keeps coming up with new places that just keep getting better and better. I am amazed, given how much of Dartmoor I’ve covered, I had never been to Bellever Woods on Dartmoor.

I went there to check it out while walking the dog but I couldn’t help setting up and taking this pic, which is now for sale at:

This is a truly stunning place. I went back there that weekend and had a BBQ with family and friends.