It can be tempting to think about buying thousands of followers. Buying followers on Instagram, to look like an influencer, sounds like a great idea… BUT… on a platform like Instagram it really doesn’t work. On that platform it can look obvious and it can cause you lost business. Let me give you a great example from an account I recently found… Continue reading
Category: Social Media
Why I came off Facebook
I’ve had a few people remark that they find it odd that someone promoting ‘social media training‘ should come off of Facebook. I’d like to clarify why it was the right decision for me. Continue reading
How long does it take Instagram and Facebook to delete a reported image?
I’ve recently had an issue, one that I couldn’t resolve with the person involved. I had set up a campaign based on a modification of one of my photos, which was due to launch in a little under two weeks. This person took a photo of mine without permission, did the exact same edit, posted it on their social media channels and then refused to take it down. People who follow me were seeing their version so I had no choice but to report them for copyright infringement and these were the results: Continue reading
Why followers don’t matter on Twitter
I want to talk today about why your follower count on Twitter isn’t really as important as people think it is. Continue reading
How to drop some of the people you follow on Twitter
It can be really difficult to keep your following count below your follow account. Here are some tips to help you decide which accounts could be unfollowed to keep you in that sweet spot. Continue reading
Why do people follow and then unfollow on Twitter?
Have you ever wondered why your follow ratio hovers around a certain number, even though you have quite a few new followers? It’s a common problem with a few answers…
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Is someone copying every single one of your tweets?
Alas, this does happen and it has happened to me… twice! It’s very easy to deal with these bots so let’s take a look at how… Continue reading
Please don’t be one of the annoying twitter DM spammers!
I get that having a large following entails a certain amount of spammy DM’s but if you’re one of those trying it please think carefully. I’ll explain why… Continue reading
The most common hashtag mistakes and how to avoid them
Twitter is an amazing way of reaching new people but you can just as easily turn people away from you by making mistakes you may not even realise you’re making. These are the top ones to avoid making. Continue reading
Top reasons why you should be using TweetDeck
If you look at the Rivera FM Radio webcam between 7pm and 9pm every Monday you’ll see me at a screen with a programme called TweetDeck running. If you’ve never used it you’re missing out on a GREAT tool. In this post I’ll show you just how useful and powerful this tool is! Continue reading