Dear Rookie Wedding Photographer, Here’s What I Wish I’d Known – A Hundred Weddings Later

So, you’ve decided to dive into the world of wedding photography? Welcome to a rollercoaster of emotions, caffeine overloads, and the occasional bridezilla (or groomzilla, let’s be fair). Having photographed over a hundred weddings, I can tell you this: I’m still no expert. But I’ve learned a thing or two – or twelve – that I wish I could go back and tell my eager, naive, inexperienced self. So, without further ado, here are the lessons that took me a hundred weddings to learn, which you can now absorb in the next few minutes. Lucky you 🙂

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Cockington Court & Church: A video guide on how to get to the nearest car park for a wedding.

If you’re envisioning a fairytale wedding in Torquay, look no further than Cockington Court or Cockington Church. Both offer a magical setting that feels straight out of a storybook. While planning your visit, there are a couple of practical tips to keep in mind to ensure everything goes smoothly. This post shows you the best route to the closest car park and what you’ll need once there, including a video showing you the route!

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What budget for camera gear do you need to become a wedding photographer and what should you buy starting out?

I see a lot of posts saying they want to be a wedding photographer but they have a small budget, then replies from the pros saying how you need to spend several thousand on new gear. Let’s look at how a smaller budget will affect you and what limitations you’ll need to overcome.

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Tales of woe and how to make sure your wedding photographer doesn’t lose your wedding photos before delivering them

What I find strange is that I’ve never been asked how am I protecting the photos before I deliver them. On the private wedding photographer groups that I’m a member of, I often see posts from wedding photographers who are desperate for help because they’ve lost some or all the photos before they had delivered them. Today, I want to give you some tips and talk about this.

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Mobile and desktop.

Why being at the door waiting for a parcel to be handed over to you is so important

I try to be helpful to delivery drivers by being at the door waiting. It means they spend the least amount of time possible delivering my parcels. With Amazon, it is very easy to see as your parcel gets closer thanks to real-time tracking. I’ve now discovered another essential reason to be there at the door waiting; damaged parcels!

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