50th Birthday Party Photographer at the Shoreline in Paignton, Devon.

It’s lovely when you get involved in a surprise Birthday party. They needed photography for a 50th Birthday and the theme was ‘The 80’s’. How could I possibly refuse 🙂

The location for the party was the Shoreline in Paignton. I’ve shot a few events here so I walked in already knowing exactly how I was going to light it. Dusk was already upon us so it was an all-dark event.

The Shoreline closed to customers and made this an entirely private function. There was a DJ, a photo booth, and nothing but 80’s music all evening. I was in heaven 🙂

Let’s see some of the photos…

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The Special Guest was led up the stairs blindfolded. Everyone cheered as she removed it. The atmosphere was so good! I had my Son William second shooting with me so he got the guest’s reaction and I focused on the Birthday Girl.

We spent a couple of hours interacting with the guests and capturing those all-important candid moments. The best candids are when they don’t know they are being photographed. The majority of our shots will be those. You learn to spot a moment or a smile that is about to happen and be ready as it happens.

It was lovely to see so many dress up for the 80s theme. The DJ had a CD case that I once owned. Mine was as full as his, but it was great to see CDs and CD cases again after all these years.

Bringing back those late 80’s and 90’s memories 🙂

In 1986 I purchased the first CD walkman in Torbay. I arrived as the delivery arrived. It’s one of my very small claims to fame. Dire Straights ‘Brothers in Arms’ was my first CD 🙂

Do you fancy a Birthday photographer for your day or event? Get in touch!

Simon Day

If you have a wedding, portrait, event or festival coming up please contact me. Likewise for portraits. Check out my social media channels: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter