Life doesn’t often throw up something unexpected. This month it has!
I had no idea that I’d been nominated for the “Best use of Twitter award” and I was quite shocked when I received the message to say that I’m on the short list!
Now I’ll let you into in a little secret…
Even with almost 7,000 Twitter followers there are few who engage. As try as I might it is difficult to start a discussion. I use twitter chats because I enjoy the “social” part of social media. With Twitter chats I can be my jokey self and chat to a lot of really nice people. I REALLY enjoy and look forward to the chats. I’m on them because I love them.
I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me. I honestly didn’t expect it. If you’re going to the #TorbayHour awards please come over and say hello. Meet the crazy person behind the keyboard 🙂