10 reasons people abandon your ecommerce website

Do you own an eCommerce website? Do you have a lot of hits but few sales?

How your shopping cart displays the content and charges can really impacts sales. Do you have to register to buy? This is another ecommerce killer.

The infographic below from CWCS gives you 10 reasons why people abandon an eCommerce site without buying anything from you. It also includes 5 factors that can lead to customers spending more… Continue reading

My website updated

I’ve finally had the chance to revisit my own website and update it.

I’ve used some very subtle CSS3 animations on the icons and buttons to highlight the calls-to-action in a way that it is obvious it will do something without it being too ‘in your face’.

I do like whitespace on websites so I’ve further improved each section of a page so the user flow is more seamless. The site is just as mobile responsive as it was before but the white space now makes it clearer and easier to view.

The top menu remains on the page as you navigate through the pages. It takes up little space and it again is just a simple thing that makes using the website that little bit easier.

Each page should be easier on the eye and easier to navigate. I’ve tried to keep my main calls-to-action in the same place on each page so again, each page should be familiar as you go from page to page.

Visit: SimonDay.Com


Monday Updates

I’ve just finished some updates to http://taylorgrown.co.uk/ which include new images, new gallery on their blog and updates to text on the website.

I’ve also been playing around with the styling on this blog today. I like it better than it was before.

http://www.torbayfishing.com has had lots of tweaks and new pages added over the last few days. I’ve positioned the social media icons in a clearer way and updated the styling on several parts of the site.

http://locomotionmarketing.co.uk has already been cached by Google and has jumped in the search engine listings as a result. The responsive design has also been picked up and it is now proudly displaying ‘mobile friendly’ in the search results when using Google on a mobile.

The responsive design mystery



During the week this week I updated TorbayFishing.Com to be more responsive.  The pages already scaled for mobiles and tablets but I wanted the whole page to scale seamlessly for desktop browsers, no matter the screen-size.

I switched the CSS rules for the structure to percentages, tested it across all browsers and uploaded it once I was happy it was working across the board.

Google analytics shows the hits are the same but the revenue from Adsense dropped by a whopping 82%. The ads are responsive so that wasn’t the issue. More people could see all the content and yet the revenue plummeted. I’ve had to switch back to the old version today and I’ll be setting up a A/B test on webmaster tools next week to see if I can track down the issue.

Sometimes doing the right thing can have huge consequences.


What the mobile changes on Google really mean

On the 21st April 2015 Google announced that, for mobile users, they will start giving preference to the ranking positions of websites based on whether the sites were mobile friendly or not.


Shortly after they also announced that it may take a few days to a week for the results to start displaying correctly. Now that we’ve started to see the results filtering through let’s take a step back and examine what has happened. Continue reading

Latest updates – responsive styling

I’ve been working several websites over the last few weeks to bring them inline with Google’s mobile changes which came into force on the 21st April. From that date Google will start giving preference to mobile-friendly websites on all mobile searches.

Results now show ‘mobile friendly’

Although some of the websites I have created look fairly complex they all have simplistic structures which enables them to be easily updated, or in this case, have a responsive design with little extra work.

Google do have a mobile test tool so you can check to see if your website already passes. If you have a website and you need help or advice then please contact me.

I have been busy adding responsive styling to a number of existing clients which include: Continue reading

Facebook launches video calling in Messenger app


On Monday you may have noticed a video icon at the top right on your screen on Facebook. This free video calling service is competing against the likes of Skype and FaceTime.

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 22.58.17

With 600 million users on Facebook’s messenger the pressure is heating up against its competitors.

At Facebook’s annual developer conference in March, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerburg said the social network would introduce a myriad of features within Messenger including the ability to create apps that will run in messenger. Continue reading